Dalgona milo. How to Make Dalgona Milo (No Coffee) at Home Without Mixer? Dalgona Coffee, made popular in Tiktok, is also known as Frothy. Now, we are here with a new recipe: Milo Dalgona!
Ok guys,aku baru berjinak dalam dunia vlogger, so this is my personal youtube channel. MILO Dalgona (Chocolate) Simple & Delicious. Milo Dalgona (Chocolate) Use the same method as dalgona coffee to prepare BUT using little bit different in ing. Kamu dapat membuat Dalgona milo menggunakan 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Dan inilah dia cara untuk mengerjakan ini.
Bahan-bahan yang digunakan Dalgona milo
- Anda Perlu 1 sachet of Milo.
- Anda Perlu 2 sdm of gula pasir.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt of ovalet.
- Siapkan 2 sdm of air panas.
- Siapkan 3/4 gelas of susu cair (UHT).
- Anda Perlu of Es batu.
- Anda Perlu of Toping : keju parut (boleh apa saja).
Not everyone likes coffee, so here is a quick recipe using our favourite malt chocolate powder. Nothing screams Malaysia like a cup of Milo! Whip the mixture with a hand whip. Another day, another story about everyone's current drink obsession, Dalgona coffee.
Dalgona milo urut-urutan
- Tuangkan Milo, gula pasir, ovalet dan air panas ke dalam wadah, aduk rata, kocok hingga halus..
- Siapkan susu cair dan es batu..
- Tuangkan Milo ke dalam gelas susu. Parut keju ke atas gelas..
- Dalgona Milo siap diminum😊.
The latest celeb to get on the whipped drink trend? Tip: Sprinkle Milo powder on top of your drink once it's done and make it a Dalgona Milo Dinosaur! Combine all purpose cream and sugar. Then add the Milo powder one at a time as you whisk. JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Physical distancing membuat banyak orang rajin bereksperimen membuat makanan dan minuman.